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- Membership & Indemnity Program Renewals
Lawyers are required to renew their Law Society of Alberta membership on an annual basis, which can be completed through the Lawyer Portal.
Active members
Active members must pay the annual active membership fee in the amount of $2,772 (includes GST) and complete the Member Information Update Form (MIUF) available through the Lawyer Portal, pursuant to Rules 164.1 to successfully renew their membership. For lawyers who want to pay their fees in two instalments, more details can be found on our Making a Payment page.
Inactive members
Inactive members must pay the inactive membership fee in the amount of $241.50 (includes GST), but are not required to complete the Member Information Update Form.
Membership Information Update Form
- All active members must complete the MIUF through the Lawyer Portal.
- The MIUF is due the same day as your membership renewal fee, in March of each year. The MIUF deadline is March 15 of every calendar year.
If your annual membership fee is not received by the due date, your membership will be administratively suspended pursuant to Rule 165.
Change of Status
If you wish to change your membership status, please review our Status Changes page.
Method of Payment
Lawyers and firm administrators can pay their fees through the Lawyer Portal, and have the option of using a variety of different payment methods.
Indemnity Renewals
The Alberta Lawyers Indemnity Association (ALIA) indemnity assessment for indemnified lawyers is $3,606.75Â (GST inclusive) for the 2023/2024 policy year. The assessment is comprised of Professional Liability (Part A), Misappropriation Coverage (Part B) and Cyber Coverage (Part C). If you require coverage midway through the policy year, a pro-rated indemnity assessment schedule is available.
To renew your indemnity coverage for the upcoming policy year (July 1 to June 30), you must make a assessment payment on or before June 30, annually.
Payment Options
The indemnity assessment can be paid in one single payment or divided into two instalments.
If you choose to pay by instalments:
- there is a service charge of $52.50 (GST inclusive) on the first instalment
- you will be required to make the first instalment by June 30, annually.
- the second instalment is due December 31, annually.
The indemnity assessment is subject to an additional assessment, known as a surcharge, where specified, for members with a claims paid history. A surcharge remains in effect for a period of five practice years.
Additional information:
Method of Payment
Lawyers and firm administrators can pay annual indemnity assessments through the Lawyer Portal, and have the option of using a variety of different payment methods.
More information about indemnity coverage is available on the Indemnity and Indemnity Exemptions page.
Relevant Rules of the Law Society of Alberta
165 Sanctions for Late Payment
Each active member shall, by the date or dates specified in the notice posted to each member’s online Law Society account on behalf of ALIA under rule 147 for payment of the professional liability indemnity assessment, under rule 149.2 for payment of the misappropriation indemnity assessment, or under rule 153 for payment of a retroactive assessment, pay the full amount or amounts shown on the notice. In default of payment, the member shall stand automatically suspended.
In the event the member elects to pay the professional liability indemnity assessment and/or the misappropriation indemnity assessment in instalments, in default of payment of any instalment, the member shall stand automatically suspended.