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Apply for Indemnity Coverage
Each non-exempt member of the Law Society of Alberta who is in private practice is required to have professional liability indemnity coverage.
You may be exempt if you are employed by an organization other than a law firm and practise law solely in the scope of that employment, or can also be exempt if you are not practicing or are indemnified or insured in another jurisdiction. To review the information regarding indemnity exemptions, see Rule 148.
To obtain professional liability indemnity , you must select a lawyer status change on the My Applications tab through the Lawyer Portal.
- Once reviewed by the Law Society, you will be invoiced all applicable indemnity fees
- Lawyer Status Change Guide
- Indemnity Assessment payable to the Alberta Lawyers Indemnity Association (making a payment)
Effective Date
Your indemnity coverage can be effective as quickly as the date your application and payment are received in the Law Society’s Calgary office.
Assessment Amounts (Levy)
The annual indemnity assessment is set based upon a recommendation from the Alberta Lawyers Indemnity Association’s (ALIA) actuary and approved by the ALIA board of directors. If you require indemnity coverage after the commencement of the policy year, view the Making a Payment to ALIA page for proration schedules.
Levy Surcharge
If you have a paid claims history, the indemnity assessment is subject to an additional assessment, known as a surcharge, for a period of five practice years.
A $5,000 deductible will be applied on all professional liability claims.
If you are an active member, exempt from liability coverage and not practising law, you must first apply for reinstatement.
Exemptions from the Indemnity Assessment
In-house and government lawyers, and lawyers with a special pro bono service status are exempt from professional liability indemnity coverage.
Pro-rated Refunds Not Available
Pro-rated refunds on indemnity assessments paid will not be available to lawyers leaving private practice during the policy year.
Voluntary Excess Coverage
Depending on your practice, you may want to consider purchasing excess insurance. Lawyers have the option of purchasing voluntary excess coverage for additional protection. For more information, visit the Canadian Lawyers Insurance Association (CLIA) website  or contact your insurance broker.
Applying for Professional Liability Indemnity Program Exemption
You can apply for an exemption from purchasing mandatory indemnity coverage if you fall under any of these categories:
- You are employed by or are contracting with an organization other than a law firm and practise solely in the scope of that employment or contract
- You do not practise law (and undertake not to practise law) in Alberta
- Your principal practice of law is within Canada, but outside Alberta
See Rule 148 for more information.
To apply for exemption from the professional liability indemnity coverage, you must apply for In House Status on the My Applications tab through the Lawyer Portal.
Pro Bono Services
If you are an active member of the Law Society and provide pro bono services through an approved pro bono service provider, you are deemed exempt from liability indemnity coverage for those services. You are automatically covered under the Professional Liability (Part A) coverage of the group policy for this volunteer work. See Rule 148(2.1).