Book of Authorities
To assist parties to Law Society of Alberta hearings and pursuant to the Pre-Hearing and Hearing Guideline, the Tribunal Office has developed an online resource, the Tribunal Office Book of Authorities (Book of Authorities) containing frequently cited cases below. A party wishing to rely on a case included in the Book of Authorities need not reproduce that case.   The parties remain responsible for providing copies (PDFs) of all other authorities to which they wish to refer. The Book of Authorities is meant to facilitate the hearing process by relieving parties of the need to copy or file frequently cited cases. It is not a complete list of relevant cases or a statement of law.   Cases are added to and deleted from the Book of Authorities from time to time. Any questions or comments concerning the Book of Authorities, including recommendations for additions to or deletions from the list, should be directed to the Tribunal Office.

Search for total: 79
Case Name Year Issue
Yee v Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta, 2020 ABCA 98
2020 Internal standards of appeal
Watchler v College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, 2009 ABCA 130
2009 Effect of delay
Law Society of Alberta v Warnock, 2010 ABLS 2
2010 Failure to obtain client instructions
Walton v Alberta (Securities Commission), 2014 ABCA 273
2014 Contradicting witnesses
Law Society of Alberta v Venkatraman, 2013 ABLS 29
2013 Misappropriation of trust funds (not by lawyer)
R. v Tkachuk, 2001 ABCA 243
2001 Joint submissions
Law Society of Alberta v Thom, 2019 ABLS 27
2019 Strict liability
Thirwell v. College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, 2022 ONSC 2625 (CanLII)
2022 Interim orders
Strother v Law Society of British Columbia, 2018 BCCA 481
2018 Standard expected of lawyers
Law Society of Alberta v Sparling, 2014 ABLS 11
2014 Sexual harassment or improper sexual conduct by lawyer