Wilfred Willier


HEARING OUTCOME : Wilfred Willier



Hearing Report


  1. It is alleged that Wilfred Willier failed to provide diligent, timely and competent legal services to his client M.D., and signed a declaration certifying that he had reviewed an IAP application with his client when he had not done so, and that such conduct is deserving of sanction


HEARING OUTCOME : Wilfred Willier



Hearing Report

  1. It is alleged that you disclosed a confidential document to opposing counsel without the client’s consent and contrary to the client’s express instructions and that such conduct is deserving of sanction;
  2. It is alleged that you improperly billed your clients after being instructed to cease work on the file and that such conduct is deserving of sanction;
  3. It is alleged that you failed to provide the client’s file to his client upon request and that such conduct is deserving of sanction; and
  4. It is alleged that you initiated an action in the names of parties from whom you did not receive instructions or consent and that such conduct is deserving of sanction


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