Teresina Bontorin


HEARING OUTCOME : Teresina Bontorin



Hearing Report


  1. It is alleged that Teresina Bontorin failed to meet the conflict of interest requirements of the Code of Conduct in acting for both sides of a transaction and that such conduct is deserving of sanction;
  2. It is alleged that Teresina Bontorin failed to withdraw after a conflict arose between N.N. and J.M. and that such conduct is deserving of sanction;
  3. It is alleged that Teresina Bontorin acted without integrity by taking steps to effect the transfer of the corporation knowing that NN would object and that such conduct is deserving of sanction;
  4. It is alleged that Teresina Bontorin failed to be candid in correspondence to N.N. dated July 10, 2018 and that such conduct is deserving of sanction;


  1. It is alleged that Teresina M. Bontorin breached a trust condition by failing to provide a current tax certificate and that such conduct is deserving of sanction;
  2. It is alleged that Teresina M. Bontorin failed to satisfy other trust conditions within a reasonable period of time and that such conduct is deserving of sanction; and
  3. It is alleged that Teresina M. Bontorin failed to respond promptly to opposing counsel and that such conduct is deserving of sanction.
