Law Society of Alberta Annual General Meeting
The Law Society of Alberta’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Thursday, Dec. 1, 2022 by videoconference commencing at 11 a.m.
For this meeting, please find:
- The 2022 agenda for the AGM
- The 2021 draft AGM minutes
- A copy of the Law Society of Alberta financial statements for the year ended Dec. 31, 2021
- A copy of the Alberta Lawyers Indemnity Association (ALIA) financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2022
If you want to attend the virtual AGM you must pre-register by 11 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 28, 2022.
Once registered, you will receive an email from “Governance Meetings” on Nov. 30, 2022 with the meeting link. If you do not receive your email meeting link by 11 a.m. on Nov. 30, please check your junk email folder and if you still cannot find it, contact Governance.
Rule 33 establishes the Procedures for the 2022 Annual General Meeting, as follows. Legislative procedures for the meeting can be found under Section 27 of the Legal Profession Act.
Procedure at Meetings
33 (1) Subject to the Act and these Rules, the procedure at meetings of the Society shall be governed by the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.
(2) At an annual general or special meeting of the Society, the following provisions apply:
(a) every motion requires a seconder;
(b) a motion, other than a procedural motion or a motion that accompanied the notice of the meeting, may not be presented except with the unanimous consent of the members present at the meeting;
(c) the mover and seconder of a motion may speak to the motion and thereafter other members may speak to the motion in the order determined by the chair;
(d) no member may speak more than once on a motion while there are other members present who wish to speak on the motion but have not yet done so;
(e) no member may speak more than twice on the same motion except with the permission of the chair;
(f) a member may not vote by proxy;
(g) voting on a motion will be by a show of hands unless the chair requires a standing vote or a counted vote;
(h) the chair may vote only in the case where the chair’s vote will impact the outcome of a vote but is not required to vote in that event;
(i) a motion shall be declared carried if a majority of those members present and voting vote in favour of it;
(j) a motion to reconsider or rescind a motion previously carried at the same meeting or carried at a previous meeting may not be presented unless permission to do so is given by a motion carried by a 2/3 majority of the members present and voting on the latter motion.
(3) When an annual general or special meeting of the Society is held using electronic means, or a combination of both in-person and electronic means, the following additional provisions apply:
(a) an “electronic attendee” means a meeting attendee who is attending the meeting electronically;
(b) electronic attendees must register at least three days in advance in order to attend the meeting;
(c) login information will be provided to electronic attendees at least 24 hours in advance;
(d) electronic attendees must login at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting in order to be admitted to the meeting;
(e) members attending electronically must identify themselves with their full first and last names and roll number in order to participate in the meeting;
(f) electronic attendees are responsible for their own audio and internet connections and no action shall be invalidated on the grounds that the loss of, or poor quality of, a member’s individual connection prevented participation in the meeting;
(g) the Chair may cause or direct the disconnection or muting of an electronic attendee’s connection if it is causing undue interference with the meeting and the Chair’s decision to do so, which is subject to an undebatable appeal that may be made by any member, shall be announced during the meeting and recorded in the minutes;
(h) to seek recognition by the Chair, a member attending electronically shall use the “Raise Hand” or similar function in the electronic meeting system, as directed by the Chair;
(i) upon recognition by the Chair, members shall state their first and last name, and city or town of residence prior to addressing the meeting;
(j) no member shall speak in debate for longer than two minutes after recognition;
(k) consideration of a main motion or resolution shall be limited to 20 minutes;
(l) notwithstanding paragraph (2)(g), voting shall be conducted using the voting feature of the electronic meeting service or a combination of show of hands in-person and the voting feature of the electronic meeting service;
(m) no electronic attendee shall record any portion of the meeting without the prior approval of the President.
(4) Subrules (1), (2) and (3) do not preclude the members present at a meeting of the Society from adopting a procedure in a particular case that differs from a procedure referred to in subrule (1), (2) or (3).