How You Can Participate in Mental Health Week

April 26, 2023

May 1–7 is the Canadian Mental Health Association’s (CMHA) Mental Health Week (also known as Well-Being Week in Law in the United States). Mental Health Week is a social change campaign to educate the public and shift beliefs and perceptions about mental health.

This year’s theme is “My Story,” emphasizing that, while 1 in 5 Canadians experience a mental illness or mental health issue each year, mental health affects everyone. The CMHA is encouraging organizations and individuals to highlight their personal journeys, a program they offer or how their community supports the mental health of others.

Below are a few events, resources and ways to participate during Mental Health Week.


Monday, May 1

Tuesday, May 2

Wednesday, May 3

  • Assist Hybrid Yoga Class (In-Person in Calgary at Knox United Church or Online), noon–1 p.m.

Thursday, May 4

Friday, May 5

Resources and Other Ways to Participate