Congratulations to the Honourable Mary T. Moreau

November 6, 2023

The Law Society of Alberta is pleased to congratulate the Honourable Mary Moreau on her appointment to the Supreme Court of Canada.

“I am honoured to congratulate Mary Moreau on her historic appointment to the Supreme Court of Canada. As a proud Albertan, her journey from our province to this esteemed position is a testament to her unwavering dedication to serving the justice system and the people within it. Her commitment to upholding the principles of justice will leave a lasting impact on our province and country,” said Bill Hendsbee, KC, President of the Law Society of Alberta.

Moreau’s judicial career includes 29 years on the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta. In 2017, she was appointed Chief Justice of that court. Throughout her career, she has been extensively involved in judicial education, administration and ethics, both in Canada and internationally. Prior to becoming a judge, Moreau practised criminal law, constitutional law and civil litigation in Edmonton, Alberta.

“Mary was the soul and conscience of the Court of King’s Bench. Beyond her leadership as Chief Justice, she modelled the highest ideals of the judicial role to her fellow judges every day. Alberta’s loss is truly Canada’s gain. We will miss her dearly,” said Justice Kent Teskey of the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta and Past President of the Law Society of Alberta.

“It has been my privilege to get to know Mary and to work with her. At the outset of the pandemic, Mary and then Law Society President, Justice Kent Teskey, set up regular meetings between the Court and the Law Society that continue to this day. Throughout our interactions, Mary has demonstrated her leadership, empathy and passion for the Rule of Law and the administration of justice. She is someone who gets things done, and so it seems particularly fitting that her appointment signals the first time since the Supreme Court of Canada was established in 1875 that it has a majority of women judges. While she will be missed, we celebrate her achievements and wish her well as she begins this exciting next chapter,” said Elizabeth J. Osler, KC, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the Law Society of Alberta.

Moreau is also the first francophone from Western Canada to be appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada.

“I am honoured to receive the news of Mary Moreau’s appointment to our nation’s highest court. Her bilingualism in French and in English, coupled with her extensive experience in the realms of criminal and linguistic law, make her a distinguished addition to the Supreme Court of Canada. Mary has presided over several trials in French and as Chief Justice, she implemented many practical measures to support the ongoing use of the French language in the administration of justice in Alberta. This appointment reinforces the importance of protecting Canada’s language rights. As a Francophone living in Alberta, I could not be more proud. It has been a privilege to collaborate with her, and I have no doubt that her presence will be an invaluable asset to the Supreme Court,” said Bianca Kratt, KC, Partner at Parlee McLaws LLP and Past-President of the Canadian Bar Association – Alberta Branch.

To learn more about the Honourable Mary T. Moreau, read her biographical note here.